Monday, September 5, 2016

Update Sep. '16

Greetings friends and readers! It's hard to believe a year has already gone by since the last update I posted. In the meantime, I've been hard at work on my Nexus of the Planes epic fantasy series, and I'm pleased to report that the series is nearing completion. Book 1 has just entered the editing phase, book 2 is awaiting some revisions, and a rough draft of book 3 has gone out to my beta readers. Yep, that's right, I hope to have the whole trilogy ready for release by the end of the year! If all goes well, I plan to release each book within a few weeks of each other, so there won't be any endless waits for the sequels to appear. I will also release an omnibus version shortly after which should save you a few bucks if you prefer to wait. As a reader, I dislike waiting for books I enjoy to come out as much as anyone, so I hoped to avoid this by having the whole trilogy ready to roll.

In the meantime, you may have noticed the cool artwork at the top of the page (and above logo) by dleoblack. Leo is an amazing artist and a good guy to work with. He's done some truly impressive work for the cover art of the series (to be revealed in the near future).

I will be announcing release dates and posting excerpts in the months ahead, as well as sending out notifications to my newsletter subscribers. Stay tuned!